Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The definition of Genius... (Part I)

NORVAL MORRISSEAU at 'The Pollock Gallery', 1962
"The age does not create the genius it requires. The genius is not the product of his age, is not to be explained by it, and we do him no honour if we attempt to account for him by it . . . And as the causes of its appearance do not lie in any one age, so also the consequences are not limited by time. The achievements of genius live for ever, and time cannot change them. By his works a man of genius is granted immortality on the earth, and thus in a threefold manner he has transcended time. His universal comprehension and memory forbid the annihilation of his experiences with the passing of the moment in which each occurred; his birth is independent of his age, and his work never dies."
Otto Weininger (1880-1903)
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GENIUS.....He sure was. A true legend.