Friday, November 26, 2010

Joseph McLeod about Norval Morrisseau


"Few artists have the gift and ability to fulfill the criteria that establishes the reputation of a truly great artist - a creator of masterworks. Certain artists speak for a time in history, some for a place, some for a people. Some are natural and magic technicians, some perfect a new way of seeing - a universal for an entire world. Rare indeed is the artist who does all of these.

Norval Morrisseau speaks for the Ojibway, the Woodland Indian of Canada. He paints their mytholog­ical past and their fierce future potential. He paints his people larger than life, spiritually huge. He created a method of depiction that had not previously existed. His imagery comes from the ancient petroglyphs, from pictograph language symbols, from stained glass win­dows of missionary churches, from the flat and brilliant colours of the brutal North of Canada, and from his own fertile imagination. He speaks in the universal voice of a master painter, for all who will look, investi­gate and understand. Morrisseau paints masterpieces."

Joseph McLeod - Owner, Maslak McLeod Gallery



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