Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Michael Moniz (1965-2013) Vs. Carmen Robertson

/Court File No. CV-12-455650/
February 6th - 8th, 2018 @ 330 University Ave, Toronto ON M5G 1T3

Michael Moniz (September 11, 1965 - April 13, 2013)


"He Humbled a Canadian Media Giant…
Exposed a Top Arts Journalist’s Professional Disgrace…

And saved a fine Morrisseau BDP* from the trash heap of history.

Alone against the “Establishment” this Canadian Morrisseau collector took on the biggest media giant in Canada (CTV Globemedia) and won a stunning moral, legal, and cultural victory, on March 10, 2009, on behalf of Canada, and all Canadians, and the artistic heritage of Norval Morrisseau.

The lonely battle he fought, at great personal expense, and distress, over two years, served to expose for all Canadians, how – from the very beginning - serial journalistic incompetence continues to be the main tool harnessed by those who attack the painting legacy of Norval Morrisseau, and in the process – together – grievously undermine and devalue the legitimate Aboriginal cultural heritage of Canada."

Source (text):                   
"Great Canadian Cultural Heritage Hero #1" &
Moniz v CTVglobemedia              



Michael Moniz vs. CTV Globemedia Publishing Inc. /Court action CV-07-1776 SR/

"Father and Son", 30"x30", © 1977 Norval Morrisseau
/Click on image to Enlarge/

This matter has been financially compensated between Michael Moniz (plaintiff) vs. (defendents) CTV Globemedia Publishing Inc. for damages rendered to the plaintiff. Action No. CV-07-1776 SR in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Brampton, Ontario NINE YEARS AGO (March 10th, 2009).

"I am very pleased about the POSITIVE compensatory outcome of this case in my favour. Now that it has been settled between myself and the CTV Globemedia Publishing Inc. I will sell the art of Norval Morrisseau with continued superior confidence to collectors World Wide."

Thank you,

Michael Moniz, March 10th, 2012"

"Father and Son", 30"x30", © 1977 Norval Morrisseau;~ Analysis of the inscription on the reverse side of canvas by Mr. Brian Lindblom -
Forensic Document Examiner /Click on image to enlarge/


"Father and Son", 30"x30", © 1977 Norval Morrisseau /Professional appraisal work done by Maslak Mcleod Gallery in Toronto Ontario by Mr. Joseph McLeod (1928-2017) who was as of February 12th, 2007 a member of Art Dealers Association of Canada (ADAC); at time of passing a member of The Canadian association of Personal Property Appraisers (CPA) - /Click on image to enlarge/

This painting which was involved in court action Michael Moniz Vs CTV Globemedia Publishing Inc. CV-07-1776 SR come with professional appraisal work done by Mr. Joseph McLeod (1928-2017) of Maslak Mcleod Gallery in Toronto Ontario. Mr. McLeod was a member of the Art Dealers Association of Canada (ADAC); and at the time of his passing a member of The Canadian Association of Personal Property Appraisers (CPPA). Further forensic work was conducted and found proof positive for the signature painted in black paint with a DB technique by Mr. Brian Lindblom (retired, 2017) of 'The Document Examination Consultants Inc.' (click HERE for more information).

~ This genuine Norval Morrisseau painting was acquired by Mr. Michael Moniz (Brampton, Ontario) from Randy Potter Estate Auctions in Port Hope, Ontario.

~ For CV-07-1776 SR background history click HERE.



Contrary to the factual, Ms. Carmen Robertson promoted the opposite in the 'University of Manitoba Press' publication, 2016:

"In early 2007 Val Ross of the Globe and Mail penned the story that uncovered how fake Morrisseau paintings were being sold online, and the paper printed a screen shot of a fake Morrisseau on site to prove it. Milrad called it a 'new wrinkle in an old scam,' explaining that the NMHS and Gabe Vadas had instigated litigation to ensure that eBay would not sell fakes in the future. This endeavour, however, according to the report, cost the estate about $70,000 a year. This was a start of a series of countless litigations over authenticity of Morrisseau paintings.""

~ Carmen Robertson*, "MYTHOLOGIZING NORVAL MORRISSEAU," Page 171 [ISBN: 978-088755-810-8]

* Member of the defunct Norval Morrisseau Heritage Society (NMHS)

Notes: NMHS and Gabe Vadas never "instigated litigation to ensure that eBay would not sell fakes in the future" as the same genuine Norval Morrisseau paintings that they call fakes continued to sell on eBay up to the present day [click HERE (2009), HERE (2010), HERE (2011),  HERE (2013), HERE (2014)...]

Also, Gabe Vadas was the one involved in the first ever litigation over the authenticity over Morrisseau paintings and not Mr. Michael Moniz. Mr. Vadas lost case with Mr. Joseph Otavnik of Oshawa, Ontario while Norval Morrisseau was still alive. 

'Otavnik Vs Vadas SC 07-51428-00' which was filed on April 16th, 2007 (more than six months prior Norval Morrisseau's passsing into the spirit world) even when Mr. Otavnik requested, via Gabor Vadas, for Norval Morrisseau to evaluate the paintings in question - requests ignored by Gabor Vadas!? The court case which Gabor Vadas lost and paid $11, 000 for damages to Joseph Otavnik.

Luckily for Carmen Robertson that Michael Moniz is not alive as he would have, as Mr. Joseph Otavnik did, seeked damages for Defamation under commons law and Slander of Title under the Ontario Libel and Slander Act R.S.O. 1990 c.12. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Carmen Robertson’s Research was just simply trusting the Canadian media…

… She has never researched details of the media statements and/or accusations AT ALL!

For sixteen years, starting with National Post’s article
“Morrisseau Fakes Alleged,” Canadian media have been misinforming the public about prevalence of Norval Morrisseau forgeries and in those sixteen years they have not succeeded to point out one case where it was proven that someone made, sold, distributed or even marketed one "fake" Norval Morrisseau painting.

For sixteen years they were not able to bring to justice a single forger of the Norval Morrisseau art but they sued via Kinsman Robinson Galleries a blogger who exposed them for their wrongdoings (myself, Ugo Matulic).

Canadian media did not write a single word about me being sued as it did not worked to their agenda of “bad news is a good news”… as in my opinion it would be great to write an article with title “A collector and blogger sued for $1 Million by a Norval Morrisseau principal dealer.” They feared that exposing me would expose them of wrongdoings as well.

I very successfully succeeded in defending this frivolous SLAPP suit and I will continue pursuing our mission of seeking justice for Norval Morrisseau and his art, which is a vital aspect of Canada’s heritage.


"RED LAKE INCIDENT" - Norval Morrisseau Heritage Society Exposed

"Carmen Robertson calling genuine Morrisseau paintings at TBAG FAKES"


"Carmen Robertson Vs. Goyce Kakegamic"

"Norval Morrisseau Conspiracy and Mr. Greg Hill"


Failing to prove its false allegations, the Globe and Mail conceded and agreed to pay an out-of-court settlement to late Michael Moniz. In revenge, and in obvious shame, The Globe and Mail enforced a non-disclosure silencer on the successful plaintiff to cover up its journalistic incompetence and wrongful accusations.

Despite its violation of journalistic ethics with the non-disclosure clause forced on the plaintiff, for its part, The Globe and Mail took no steps to remove copies of the offending and defamatory article off the internet, where it remained in use for three years after the case was over, where continued to wrongly damage the heritage of Norval Morrisseau with its acknowledged false claims.

Shame on The Globe and Mail for using the power and wealth of its big corporation to cover up its sloppy journalism, and for failing to publish a retraction
* as prominent as its original defamatory article.

Click HERE for e-mail communication between Michael Moniz's and Globe and Mail's legal counsels regarding this newspaper article (also shown).

Also, click HERE to read this post with Mr. Moniz's 2008 commentary to Val Ross' defamatory article (2007).

* - Legal Counsel for Globe and Mail was Peter M. Jacobsen of Bersenas Jacobsen Chouest Thomson Blackburn LLP; Legal Counsel for Michael Moniz was Ethan Rogers of Rogers & Company Professional Corporation


~ As per decision of the SUPREME COURT OF CANADA (December 22, 2009), journalists and other media, including bloggers, will be protected from lawsuits if they diligently try to verify information on matters that are in the public interest (click HERE for more information and/or check NORVAL MORRISSEAU BLOG's DISCLAIMER @ the bottom of this page ). ~ -

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