Thursday, March 10, 2011

>>> The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Commercial Art Galleries Around the World (Part XVII)

Qualicum Frameworks Gallery /Qualicum Beach, BC CANADA/

"Salmon Spawn", acrylic on canvas, © 1975 Norval Morrisseau
/Click on image to Enlarge and/or click HERE to see this painting on the wall behind Christian Morrisseau and his wife Lorene when they visited Qualicum Frameworks Gallery in December, 2006 and click HERE to see 'Shaman Gives the Power to Heal', 1979 that appeares in the same photograph; owner, Mr. Marlowe Goring/
"Just as a fish swims in any clear northern lake (in a medium that is virtually invisible to the eye) so we, if we are to live all right, should realize we live in a dimension on which our very existence, as people and artists, depends. The dimension is that of connectivity in life shared together in mutual respect… Fish, in spawning runs, seem to urge each other on, to reach safe and secluded lakes, with plentiful food supplies. Once there, they can live more non-competitively."

Norval Morrisseau
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>>> Reference posts:
- The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Commercial Art Galleries Around the World (Part I),
The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Commercial Art Galleries Around the World (Part II),

The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Commercial Art Galleries Around the World (Part III),
- The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Commercial Art Galleries Around the World (Part IV),
- The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Commercial Art Galleries Around the World (Part V),

- The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Commercial Art Galleries Around the World (Part VI),
- The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Commercial Art Galleries Around the World (Part VII),
- The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Commercial Art Galleries Around the World (Part VIII),
- The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Commercial Art Galleries Around the World (Part IX),
- The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Commercial Art Galleries Around the World (Part X),
- The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Commercial Art Galleries Around the World (Part XI),
- The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Commercial Art Galleries Around the World (Part XII),
- The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Commercial Art Galleries Around the World (Part XIII),
- The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Commercial Art Galleries Around the World (Part XIV),
- The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Commercial Art Galleries Around the World (Part XV),
- The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Commercial Art Galleries Around the World (Part XVI),
- The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Galleries and Museums Around the World (Part I),
The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Galleries and Museums Around the World (Part II),
The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Galleries and Museums Around the World (Part III),
The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Galleries and Museums Around the World (Part IV),
The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Galleries and Museums Around the World (Part V),
The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Galleries and Museums Around the World (Part VI),
The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Galleries and Museums Around the World (Part VIIa),
- The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Galleries and Museums Around the World (Part VIIb) &
- The Art of Norval Morrisseau in Galleries and Museums Around the World (Part VIII).

* The acrylic painting on canvas in this post: "Salmon Spawn", 21"x32", © 1975 Norval Morrisseau; Exhibited and SOLD at Qualicum Frameworks Gallery in Qualicum Beach, British Columbia CANADA

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