Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Just updated at The Morrisseau Hoax Exposed Blog @

5th Anniversary Edition: The Day I Killed Jonathan Sommer’s Rant Against Judge Martial & his Judgment in the Ottawa Citizen

Kevin Hearn Vs. Joseph B. McLeod and Maslak McLeod Gallery Inc.
/Court File No. CV-12-455650/
Awaiting Justice Edward M. Morgan's Judgement...

“He’s just some random dude on the internet,” 
Lawyer Jonathan Sommer about Mr. John Goldi CSC

The following copyrighted section is an excerpt taken from, “,” and used with permission from the author John Goldi CSC.

“Where the bodies are buried…”

Some of the Morrisseau HOAX files that expose the worst fraud in Canadian Art History; one that has done GREAT IRREPARABLE HARM to the art and artists of Canada’s Indigenous people. 

For more info click HERE
A racist, wanton act of Cultural Genocide, that repeatedly and maliciously attacks as “fake,” multiple, specific, genuine Morrisseau BDP paintings, that have been, repeatedly, forensically authenticated – over 150 to dateby three of Canada’s top professional handwriting experts. And a fraud that uses specious lawsuits, and hapless, hopeless, uncredentialed, and/or untrustworthy witnesses, all of whom have been repeatedly discredited and “rejected” as such, by multiple judges, justices and corporate lawyers, as NEVER having ANY material evidence to produce that challenges or undermines, in any way, the forensically authenticated BDP paintings in question. (ex “Jesuit Preist 1974,” “Father & Son 1977,” “Wheel of Life 1979.”)

Spirit Energy of Mother Earth
The latest victim of this wanton and reckless, racist act of Cultural Genocide against Morrisseau BDPs, is “Spirit Energy of Mother Earth 1974,” which, along with three other key BDP paintings related to this lawsuit (and its witnesses), was authenticated, on Sep. 25, 2017, by a professional handwriting expert, with the highest rating he was able to give it. Even though ALL four were called “fake” by the fraudsters. (These professional, full-time handwriting experts, have large banks of original “known” Morrisseau signatures on letters and BDP paintings, to use as comparators.) 

Click HERE & HERE for IMPORTANT scientific forensic authentications
which were presented in this court case, still awaiting judgement

The four damning independent scientific forensic authentications, hugely impugn the so-called “professional expertise,” the trustworthiness, and confirm the reckless and wanton disregard for TRUTH, of multiple witnesses in this lawsuit, who were exposed as giving false, irrelevant, or self-defeating testimony on the stand – I heard them; I saw them; I took notes – or who submitted sworn Affidavits, supporting Hearn’s claim that “Spirit Energy” is “fake.” You make your own damn list, of all the guilty…"

Excerpt from Article by John Goldi CSC, copyright 2018.

Text/Image: Courtesy of
Article illustrations/links: Ugo Matulic


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