Thursday, May 8, 2008

We Are All Children of Mother Earth

"My art speaks and will continue to speak, transcending barriers of nationality, language and other forces that may be divisive, fortifying the greatness of the spirit that has always been the foundation of the Ojibwa people." /English/
"Mon art parle et continuera de parler, franchissant les frontières de nationalités, de langues et autre forces pouvant créer des divisions, enrichissant la grandeur de l'esprit qui a toujours été le fondement du peuple d'Ojibwa." /French/
"Moja umjetnost govori i nataviti će govoriti, prevazilazeći prepreke nacionalnosti, jezika i ostalih sila koje mogu da razdvajaju, utvrđujući veličinu duha koji je oduvijek bio temelj Ojibwa naroda." /Croatian/
"Mijn kunst spreekt en zal blijven spreken, grens overstijgend in nationaliteit, taal en andere krachten die kunnen leiden tot verdeeldheid, versterken de grootsheid van de geest, dat altijd de basis is geweest van het Ojibwa volk." /Dutch/
"Mi arte habla y conituará hablando, trascendiendo las barreras de nacionalidad, lenguaje y otras fuerzas que pudiesen ser divisivas, fortificando la grandeza del espíritu que siempre ha sido la base de la gente de Ojibwa." /Spanish/
"A művészetem beszél és tovább beszél miközben túlszárnyalja olyan nemzetiségnek, nyelvnek és másik erőknek az akadályait, amik megosztóak lehetnek miközben megerősítik annak a szellemnek a nagyságát, ami mindig az Ojibwa nép alapja volt." /Hungarian/
"我用艺术的语言讲话,而且我将一如既往的这样讲,超越国籍,语言和其他分裂势力的障碍,加强印第安人固有的伟大精神." /Chinese/
"Min konst vill överbrygga nationella, språkliga och andra hinder. Den vill befästa den andliga styrka somalltid präglat Ojibwa-folket." -- /Swedish/
"Ang akin sining ay magpapatuloy, di natatakdaan nag anumang balakid nang lahi, wika o anumang lakas. Ito ay magbigay ng spiritong kalakasan na magpakalayman na nasa puso ng mga Ojibwa."--/Tagalog/
Norval Morrisseau
Note: Send tanslations in other laguages of Mother Earth for the above stated Norval Morrisseau's quote to: . Megwetch, SW


Anonymous said...

Dear Spirit Walker: During the past year I’ve been reading the spate of Morrisseau blogs on the net. From the number of hits your blog is receiving, it appears to be the most popular. I am impressed with the research you must be doing to make your blog so educational and interesting, Reading the excellent paper by Barry Ace of ACC/CCA titled Norval Morrisseau:Artist As Shaman you posted on April 18, 2008, and other interesting posting about Norval, updated me on the happenings in Norval’s life. I was writing him a Christmas letter when Angie Littlefield phoned to say that Norval had died.

I got to know Norval Morrisseau when I was employed by the Department of Education in NW Ontario during the early 1960s until the early 1970s. I then left Canada to work abroad. We met again at a Kinsman Robinson Gallery showing in 2004. A span of over 30 years since we last met in North Bay when he was a guest artist of the I.O.D.E chapter there. It was sad to see that Norval’s Parkinson’s ailment was quite advanced when we met. His mind and memory was surprisingly good for one suffering from such a terrible handicap. Gabe and Michele Vadas helped in our communication because Norval had difficulty in talking. I was also impressed with the care he received from Gabe and Michele.

The blogs in general didn’t portray the Norval as I knew him. He was an amusing character that sometimes reflected this in his paintings. I emailed you a slightly revised copy of a Christmas letter that I wrote to him in 2006. It will reflect the type of humour to which I refer.

There appears to be some interesting opinions surfacing in the Morrisseau blogs about counterfeit paintings. As the price line for Morrisseaus increase there will be a spate of these. Accreditation with forensics involved at the current selling price of Morrisseaus would be almost prohibitive. Provenance is an alternative, but that too is difficult unless there is documentation that proves, without doubt, that the painting was executed by Norval. Fortunately I have such documentation for a number of paintings that passed through my hands.

When I asked a well know Norwegian artist that had studied the old masters techniques in Italy for many years whether he could copy a Morrisseau, he indicted this wouldn’t be difficult. But he also indicated that to make a counterfeit Morrisseau original would be impossible because he would have to get in into Norval’s mind to do this. Keep up the good work Spirit Walker. Norval would be proud in the way you are presenting the creative aspect of his life.

Robert Lavack
Prague, May 2008

Anonymous said...


Seems to be a lot of activity on this blog recently. Really nice to read an entry from someone that was close to Norval and knew him personally. Thank you for adding your comments and thoughts and look forward to hearing more from you in the future.


newmanarts said...

To Mr. Lavack,

Thank you for your book, I enjoyed reading about a part of Norval Morrisseau’s life I knew from a different perspective.

May we meet again among friends.


Some very important facts from Mr. Laveck, an old and unbiased friend

Robbie Lavack said
"We met again at a Kinsman Robinson Gallery showing in 2004. A span of over 30 years since we last met in North Bay when he was a guest artist of the I.O.D.E chapter there. It was sad to see that Norval’s Parkinson’s ailment was quite advanced when we met. His mind and memory was surprisingly good for one suffering from such a terrible handicap. Gabe and Michele Vadas helped in our communication because Norval had difficulty in talking. I was also impressed with the care he received from Gabe and Michele"

One, Mr. Lavack could communicate with Norval through Gabe and Michele as late as 2004.

Two, his opinion of Gabe and Michele's treatment of Norval was very positive, he was impressed.

Three, Mr. Lavack recognised Norval's cognitive clarity. Many on this blog, who can't even claim to have meet Norval Morrisseau, have questioned his abilities, and the Vadas family’s care at this time.

Fourth,he also knew enough to consult an artist on art, not a scientist. I agree with his artist friend and know the ones that are easy to tell apart. As he said "When I asked a well know Norwegian artist that had studied the old masters techniques in Italy for many years whether he could copy a Morrisseau, he indicted this wouldn’t be difficult. But he also indicated that to make a counterfeit Morrisseau original would be impossible because he would have to get in into Norval’s mind to do this. Keep up the good work Spirit Walker. Norval would be proud in the way you are presenting the creative aspect of his life.”

Fifth, I agree with Mr. Laveck again, Norval would be proad of SW presenting the creative side of his life.

Thank you for sharing my ideas on your site.